Law Council Congratulates New Federal Court Chief Justice

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10 February 2010

Law Council congratulates new Federal

Court Chief Justice

The Law Council has congratulated Justice Patrick Keane on his

appointment as Chief Justice of the Federal Court of Australia.

Law Council President Glenn Ferguson said Justice Keane’s

appointment to the Federal Court was richly deserved and caps a

distinguished legal career.

“Justice Keane is very highly regarded and he will bring to the position of

Chief Justice a wealth of experience, with his contribution to the law

spanning more than 30 years.” 

Prior to his judicial appointment as Judge of the Court of Appeal at the

Supreme Court of Queensland, Justice Keane was Solicitor-General for

Queensland, and was Deputy Chairman of the Queensland Law Reform


Justice Keane

practised at the Queensland Bar from 1978 to


principally in commercial and constitutional matters, and was appointed

Queen’s Counsel in 1988. In 2003, he

was awarded the Centenary


Justice Keane, who is the first Queensland judge appointed to the

position, will assume his new role on 22 March.

He will take over from current Federal Court Chief Justice Michael Black,

who retires on 21 March.

“The Law Council welcomes Justice Keane’s appointment. We

congratulate him and are confident he will provide outstanding

leadership to the Federal Court of Australia,” Mr Ferguson said.

Media Contact:

Vanessa Kleinschmidt, Director Communications & Stakeholder Relations 

P. 02 6246 3716 || M. 0408 014 110

The Law Council of Australia exists to represent the legal

profession at the national level, to speak on behalf of its constituent

bodies on national issues, and to promote the administration of

justice, access to justice and general improvement of the law.

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