Law Council Welcomes Justice Bell's Appointment To High Court

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3rd February 2009, 12:35pm - Views: 1292
Law Council Welcomes Justice Bell's Appointment to High Court

The Law Council congratulates Justice Virginia Bell on her appointment to the High Court of Australia.

Law Council President John Corcoran told a ceremonial sitting in Canberra today that with Justice Bell's appointment, it was now possible that the majority of members will be women during her time on the bench.

Mr Corcoran said, "Given Justice Bell's life-long passion for and commitment to the law and social justice, one could not think of a more fitting and able person to sit on the highest court of our land."

Justice Bell is only the fourth woman to be appointed to the High Court in its 105-year history. She became a barrister in 1984 and was assistant counsel for the Wood Royal Commission on the NSW Police Force. She was made senior counsel in 1997 and was elevated to the Supreme Court in 1999.

Justice Bell earned a reputation for her criminal law work and for the past three years has sat on most of the court's significant appeals in that area.
"An appointment to the High Court is an important occasion of enormous significance, both for the appointee and for the nation," Mr Corcoran said.

"We welcome Justice Bell's appointment and speak on behalf of the profession in wishing her a long and distinguished career on this Honourable Court," Mr Corcoran concluded.

Media Contact:
Elenore Eriksson
Director Public Affairs
P. 02 6246 3716
M. 0419 269 855

The Law Council of Australia exists to represent the legal profession at the national level, to speak on behalf of its constituent bodies on national issues, and to promote the administration of justice, access to justice and general improvement of the law.

SOURCE: Law Council of Australia

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