Law Society Of Nsw Welcomes Judical Appointment Of John North

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29th July 2009, 06:06pm - Views: 2512

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29 July 2009.

Law Society of NSW welcomes judicial appointment of 

John North

Today marks a red letter day for the legal profession in NSW as solicitor and former Law

Society President John North is sworn in as a District Court Judge. His appointment is

testament to the high regard in which he is held by members of the legal profession. 

John North’s endorsement to judicial office follows a growing number of solicitors, both male

and female, being promoted to the bench and acknowledges the strength, experience and

competence of lawyers in NSW.

“Through his work as a practitioner and his leadership of the profession at both a state and

national level John persistently championed the rule of law over the years and, as such, has

truly enhanced the calibre and standing of the legal profession”, said President of the Law

Society Joe Catanzariti.    

John fulfilled both the role of President of the Law Society of NSW in 2000, and later President

of the Law Council of Australia (2005 – 2006), with great enthusiasm and drive. Legal aid,

human rights and access to justice are just some of the areas of law that John is passionate

about. His expertise has seen John serve on a number of committees all designed to

implement good legal policy and his no - nonsense country style approach to dealing with

issues draws respect from all those who meet him.   

“John’s commitment to the law is second to none and this is reflected in the issues he speaks

about publicly.  He also has many strengths with the key ones being his ability to relate to

people from all walks of life and his desire to give back to the law”, said Mr Catanzariti.

John joined the family run practice of Badgery and North in Dubbo in 1983 and has been there

ever since. His success as a solicitor can no doubt be attributed to the breadth and experience

that country practice offers.   

“John’s appointment is not only recognition of his own talents but also an acknowledgment of

the skills and talents of the profession in this state. We wish him well as he begins his judicial

career and look forward to many years of service to come”, said Mr Catanzariti. 

Media Contact: Sean Brogan  0407 436 709 or 9926 0250

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