Medal Recognises Ted Mullighan Qc's Contributions To The Law

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1 December 2008

Medal Recognises Ted Mullighan QC’s

Contributions to the Law

Former judge the Honourable Ted Mullighan QC has won the second annual Law

Council Presidents Medal for his outstanding contribution to the Australian legal

profession, particularly his active promotion of cultural awareness amongst his peers. 

Law Council President Ross Ray QC made the announcement at a dinner in Canberra

over the weekend.

“It gives me great pleasure to award the 2008 Law Council Presidents Medal to the

Honourable Ted Mullighan QC for his outstanding service to the community and the

law,” Mr Ray said. 

Mr Mullighan, who was appointed a Judge of the Supreme Court of South Australia in

1989, was chosen from a high calibre field of candidates.

He began his legal career in 1962, taking Silk at the South Australian Bar in 1978. 

Mr Mullighan has been a leader in the establishment of advocacy training programs in

South Australia and has been instrumental in inspiring instructors and hundreds of

young advocates to develop and enhance their skills.

Since the early 1990s, Mr Mullighan has

supported innovation in the sentencing of

Aboriginal defendants and championed Aboriginal Reconciliation among his peers

and within the community in general.

In 2004, Mr Mulligan was appointed by the South Australian Government as

Commissioner of the Inquiry into Children in State Care. In 2007 he was also made

Commissioner of the Children on APY (Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara) Lands

Inquiry. Both inquiries dealt with the abuse of young children in South Australia. 

“He carried out his duties in an extremely conscientious and thoughtful manner and

gained the confidence of a section of the population who had never before been able

to speak about their experiences,” Mr Ray said.

“Mr Mullighan is clearly a man of compassion and commitment, as well as being an

excellent role model for all lawyers. He is a very worthy recipient of this award,”     

Mr Ray concluded.

Media Contact:

Elenore Eriksson, Director Public Affairs 

P. 02 6246 3716 // M. 0419 269 855

The Law Council of Australia exists to represent the legal profession at the

national level, to speak on behalf of its constituent bodies on national issues, and

to promote the administration of justice, access to justice and general improvement

of the law.

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