Middletons Wins The Shipping & Maritime Law Firm Of The Year

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8th October 2010, 03:25pm - Views: 1214

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      Friday 8 October 2010

Middletons wins the Shipping & Maritime Law Firm of the Year for Australia

at the fourth annual ACQ Law Awards

Middletons has won the Shipping & Maritime Law Firm of the Year for Australia at the fourth annual ACQ Law

Awards. Each year ACQ magazine has a number of awards voted for by its readers; highlighting the best and

brightest in the industry around the world. 

Fully independent and collated with absolute confidentiality the awards provide a snapshot of exactly who the market

most respects. ACQ Finance Magazine has 28,000 subscribers and is based out of the UK. The readership is mainly

that of the UK, Europe and USA. 

Middletons' Head of Transport, Logistics and Defence, Stephen Thompson said, "This high recognition reflects the

hard work of Middletons' national team and all our dedicated lawyers and support staff.  It is particularly pleasing as

we neither nominated ourselves nor lodged a submission.   The award is entirely client and peer driven." 

Mr Thompson said, "In an increasingly multi-modal world of vertically integrated supply chains, clients expect their

lawyers to offer a similarly broad range of services.  This award vindicates Middletons' longstanding "one-stop-shop"

service model for the transport sector."   

Mr Thompson added, "In addition to the core competencies of our 15-strong dedicated Transport group, Middletons'

broader transport team provides commercially sound, straight talking, multi-jurisdictional advice on all aspects of ship

finance and tax, port development, insurance, industrial relations, OH&S and environmental pollution." 

"We have been retained in many of Australia’s most significant admiralty cases and have provided services to

suppliers and users of shipping services across the breadth of commercial law. We were at the forefront of the

campaign in response to the ATO's draft ruling on royalty withholding tax, an issue for which two of our partners were

named Newsmakers of the Year.    Our clients are engaged in innovative projects in terms of their corporate

structures, their operational models and the approaches to crewing and labour utilisation.    We are proud to be

associated with these industry leaders." 

Finally Mr Thompson paid tribute to the long history of support provided by the firm, "For more than 100 years,

transport, logistics and defence has been an area of strength for Middletons and its predecessor firms."

Middletons recently won the prestigious BRW ANZ "Private Business of the Year" award for 2010. The BRW ANZ

Private Business Awards formally recognise the outstanding achievements of private businesses, and acknowledge

the significant and valuable contribution they make to the Australian economy.

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Further information

Jeremy Hyman

Media and Communications Manager

T: +612 9513 2451

F: +612 9513 2399

M: +614 49 953 890

E: jeremy.hyman@middletons.com 

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