Murray Gleeson Made Honorary Member Of The Law Council

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30 November 2009

Murray Gleeson Made Honorary Member

of the Law Council 

Former High Court Chief Justice, the Honourable Murray Gleeson AC QC,

has been made an Honorary Member of the Law Council of Australia for his

extraordinary contribution to the legal profession and community.

Law Council President John Corcoran bestowed Honorary Membership on

Mr Gleeson at a dinner in Canberra on Friday.

“Mr Gleeson has had a long and distinguished career in the law and has

made an immense contribution to the profession and Australian society

over the course of four decades,” Mr Corcoran said. 

“He spent 20 years at the pinnacle of his profession as Chief Justice of

New South Wales and then of the Commonwealth of Australia. In this

time, his reputation for hard

work, a superb intellect, succinctness and

compassion has been widely recognised and greatly respected by his

judicial colleagues and lawyers who have appeared in his

court,” he


Mr Corcoran said Mr Gleeson had also been a great “friend” of the Law

Council for many years.

In April 1968, when he had been at the Bar scarcely five years, Mr


became Honorary Assistant Secretary

of the Law Council.

Following that he

remained involved in

Law Council committees,

including those focused on LAWASIA and Taxation. 

“He was actively involved in the work and development of the Law

Council towards what it is today,” Mr Corcoran said.

“Honorary membership of the Law Council is a rare honour, bestowed

on extraordinary individuals for outstanding contributions to the law and

society. Mr Gleeson richly deserves this honour,” Mr Corcoran


Media Contact:

Elenore Eriksson, Director Public Affairs 

P. 02 6246 3716 || M. 0419 269 855

The Law Council of Australia exists to represent the legal

profession at the national level, to speak on behalf of its

constituent bodies on national issues, and to promote the

administration of justice, access to justice and general

improvement of the law.

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