Resolution Revolution

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8th May 2009, 10:42am - Views: 1471

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Resolution Revolution

May 7 2009: A team of Australias leading conflict resolution

specialists, headed by Former NSW Supreme Court Commercial Division

Chief Judge, Professor The Hon. Andrew Rogers QC, is launching a new

approach, adding business as well as legal expertise to the resolution


By providing a choice of processes, conflict resolution experts and

highly experienced specialists in a wide range of business, government

and technical fields Endispute is confident it will deliver significant

time, financial and efficiency savings in the increasingly complex,

costly and time-consuming conflict resolution journey. 

Prof. Rogers has joined forces with distinguished Dispute Resolution

practitioner, Prof. Tania Sourdin, and former Chairman of Partners of

Dibbs Crowther, Mr Peter Everett, to establish Endispute.  Endispute

expands on the traditional resolution approach, providing clients with a

choice of legal and sector-specific experts as well as greater

empowerment and control of the actual resolution process used.

“The Endispute approach allows us to provide a very practical and

tailored solution with complete transparency on all aspects including

fees and timings,” Prof Rogers said.

“We’ve cherry-picked the best of the resolution processes available

around the world, injected a case-management approach and supplemented

the legal nous available with practical business expertise to ensure a

no-nonsense, no-surprise solution whatever the issue.”

“Additionally, in order to expedite the particular conflict resolution

process which is often delayed until an individual expert or

practitioner is available, we have a selection of leading legal and

sector experts immediately available.”

“In addition to our primary panel of senior retired High Court, Supreme

Court and Federal Court Judges, each chosen for their experience in

commercial disputes, we’ve compiled three Expert Panels of leading

players in Banking and Finance; Legal and Government; and speciality

areas such as Environment and IT.”

“The initial complimentary consultation allows us to fully understand

the conflict and recommend the most suitable process for resolution

whether it be informal facilitation, evaluation or formal arbitration as

well as assist the parties in their selection of members of the Panels. 

The end result is that Endispute manages the conflict process for our

clients, and our clients are able to remain focused on their business

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while also being in control of the key aspects of their dispute


The growing trend towards mediation and alternate dispute resolution and

resulting boom in demand for mediation and arbitration practitioners and

the growth in complex disputes has meant a new, more sophisticated

approach was necessary, Professor Sourdin, Professor of Conflict

Resolution at the University of Queensland, and an experienced mediator,

conciliator and adjudicator, said.

“The Federal Government and a number of Courts are all looking to

greater use of pre-action processes.  Traditionally, dispute resolution

has either been facilitated by individuals with an emphasis on mediation

and some arbitration, or through centres or Courts which do not provide

the choice of processes or personnel with the range of experience that

Endispute provides. 

“The Commonwealth Government has recognised the appropriateness of

people seasoned in business and government applying their experience to

resolving disputes in the areas of mergers, acquisitions and related

areas by creating the Takeover Panel. The Panel draws on the expertise

of both lawyers and those with experience in a wide variety of business

areas. Its success and acceptance demonstrates how facilitators with

more than simple legal experience can, and do, bring great benefit in

the resolution of business disputes.”

“Endispute provides a multi-dimensional approach, match-making the

client with the most appropriate solution to achieve the best possible

outcome in the most efficient and effective way.  That saves time and

money for our clients, directly in terms of legal expenses and time, and

indirectly through minimal disruption to their ability to focus on

business as usual while we sort out the issues at hand.”

Endispute’s ability to handle all aspects of the dispute process in a

way which makes sense from a legal and business perspective is believed

to be an Australian first.

“ADR Chambers, a Toronto-based organisation, takes a similar approach

but we believe Endispute is ground-breaking within the Australian

market,” Mr Everett said.

“I’ve been involved in numerous mediated resolutions and settlement

negotiations over my career and it really is true that lawsuits consume

time, money, friends and businesses if mishandled.  The Endispute

approach in allowing you to transfer the stress of managing a dispute

from beginning to end makes sense.” 

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“As long ago as the early 1900’s the Courts also appointed Judges with

specialist experience by creating commercial courts. It is on this kind

of experience that Endispute now builds to expand the range of options

available to business in the resolution of commercial

conflict”.“Endispute will combine legal knowledge, business, government

and technical experience in the form of unique panels which will bring

their combined knowledge and talents to bear on the resolution of

commercial conflicts in accordance with law – but also using commercial

and technical judgment.”

Endispute is headquartered in Sydney’s MLC Centre and operates

nationally and internationally.  More information is available at or via +61 2 8213 6112


David Mair, REPUBLIC 0416 18 18 76

LJ Loch, REPUBLIC 0439 633 429

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