Survey Findings A Positive Bost For Females At The Bar

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4th December 2009, 12:01pm - Views: 1053
EMBARGO: 10am, 4 December 2009

Survey Findings a Positive Boost for Females at the Bar

Female barristers are appearing in Australian courts at the same rate as their
male counterparts, according to a Law Council survey released today.

The 2009 Court Appearance Survey, undertaken in May and June by the
Law Council and Australian Women Lawyers (AWL), measured the rate at
which women barristers and advocates appear in superior courts, the types
of matters in which they appear and the amount of time they are spending in

Law Council President John Corcoran said the findings in relation to
appearance rates were positive and should serve as encouragement for
women wishing to join and remain at the Bar.

"Statistically, female barristers Australia-wide are appearing in our courts in
the same proportions as they exist in the Bar population and this is very
pleasing," Mr Corcoran said.

"The Law Council is committed to the principles of equality in the workplace
and we are constantly working to ensure equality for female barristers and
advocates. The Law Council's Equitable Briefing Policy encourages law
firms, government departments and agencies, and other organisations to
adopt an approach that optimises opportunities for women in the law,
judiciary and wider community."

But it wasn't all positive news. The findings reveal that, on average, female
barristers appear for shorter periods than their male counterparts (3.8 hours
compared to 2.8 hours). The findings also suggest that entities such as
government departments are more likely to give briefs to women barristers
than private law firms.

AWL President Olivia Perkiss said, "The industry needs to conduct
research and develop policies to not only encourage women to look at
joining the Bar, but to make it an attractive, long-term career where they
can receive complex, well-paid work and opportunities for promotion".

"We are working on a strategy to address the findings of this survey, which
will focus on further investigation and information gathering, education and
promotion of structural and institutional change," Mr Corcoran concluded.

Media Contact:
Elenore Eriksson, Director Public Affairs
P. 02 6246 3716
M. 0419 269 855

The Law Council of Australia exists to represent the legal profession
at the national level, to speak on behalf of its constituent bodies on
national issues, and to promote the administration of justice, access
to justice and general improvement of the law.

SOURCE: Law council

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