Victorian Bar Applauds Silks Appointments And Process

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24th November 2009, 01:48pm - Views: 1565

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The Victorian Bar

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Media release

Tuesday 24 November 2009

Victorian Bar applauds Silks appointments and process

The Victorian Bar today applauded the appointment of 13 new silks by the Chief

Justice, and the process taken to assess and confer the appointments to the highest

level of seniority at the Bar.

‘The Bar is consulted by the Chief Justice during the confidential process to assess

applicants and we are very pleased at the diversity in the new appointments – both in

terms of the areas of practice of the new silks and the fact that three of the 13 are

women,’ said Mr Michael Colbran QC, Chairman of the Victorian Bar.

Victoria’s newest silks include:

David Leslie Brustman 

Kirsty Marion Macmillan 

Francis James Tiernan 

Michael Damien Wilson 

Nicholas Papas 

Andrew James Tinney 

Maryanne Hartley 

Michael Damian Wyles 

Andrew John Keogh 

Philip David Crutchfield 

Simon Harry Steward 

Peter James Morrissey 

Rachel Marie Doyle 

‘The appointment process for Senior Counsel is characterized by great thoroughness

and care. A great deal of effort and consideration goes into each application. ,’ he

said. ‘We congratulate all our new Silks’ 

The applications have been under consideration by the Chief Justice since August.  

‘The Bar thanks the Chief Justice, and the Judges of the Supreme Court who assist

her, for the time, care and thoroughness given to considering the applications and

making the selection,’ Mr Colbran concluded.

Unsuccessful applicants can seek feedback from the Chairman of the Bar Council,

who consults with the Chief Justice in accordance with the protocol for appointment

of Silk established by the Court.

More about the process can be found in the “Applications for Silk” guidelines which

accompany the application form available on the Supreme Court website

Media inquiries: Alicia Patterson, Victorian Bar Media Liaison, 0403 172024

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