Don't Waste Australia: Historic Opportunity For National Waste Plan

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4th November 2009, 04:58pm - Views: 1262

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Media Release

4 November, 2009

Don’t Waste Australia: Historic Opportunity for

National Waste Plan

Australia’s environment ministers have a historic opportunity to address the

country’s mounting waste problems when they meet in Perth tomorrow to

discuss a national action plan, Clean Up Australia Chairman Ian Kiernan AO

said today.

At the top of the problem list is the urgent need for a national refund scheme

for drink cans and bottles, Mr Kiernan said.

“We must not waste this historic opportunity to end more than five years of

talking and act now to boost recycling and ensure that everyone –

government, industry and the community – plays their part.”

Mr Kiernan said ministers meet in Perth as part of the Environment Protection

and Heritage Council and for the first time in 16 years will have a National

Waste Policy on the table.

“We can’t afford any more delays on critical environmental issues, such as

container deposit refunds, organic and electronic waste. The message from

the community is simple – no more talking, only doing.

“The overwhelming majority of Australians, 97 per cent in fact, support the

introduction of a national container refund scheme similar to that already in

place in South Australia.

“Only three per cent of Australians don’t believe that reducing waste is

important. If that doesn’t make the case for action clear I’m not sure what will.

“Let’s hope our Minister’s don’t waste this opportunity to dramatically improve

the state of our environment.”

Media contact: Alana Mew, 0423 377 567

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