Eu Commissioner Charlie Mccreevy To Deliver Unsw Peace Oration

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16th October 2009, 09:22pm - Views: 1223

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EU Commissioner Charlie McCreevy to 

deliver UNSW Peace Oration

Charlie McCreevy, former Irish Finance Minister and now European Commissioner for the

Internal Market and Services, will deliver The Australian Ireland Fund UNSW Peace Oration on

Tuesday 27 October.

He joins a list of eminent Irish statesman to deliver this Oration, including former Prime

Minister Bertie Ahern in 2000.

Commissioner McCreevy’s speech will examine the European Union’s role in the peace and

reconciliation process in Northern Ireland and more generally, in promoting economic stability

throughout Europe.

More than 50 years ago the founding Member States came together in the Treaty of Rome to

establish the European Economic Community, with the goal of avoiding further conflict in

Europe. Through successive enlargements, the EU has grown to encompass 27 Member

States with nearly 500 million citizens, making it the world’s largest single integrated market.


Before joining the European Commission, Mr McCreevy had a distinguished political career in

Ireland. As Minister of Finance between 1997 and 2004, he presided over Ireland’s entry to the

Economic and Monetary Union of the EU and the changeover to the Euro.   

What: EU Commissioner Charlie McCreevy delivers Australian Ireland Fund UNSW Peace

Oration - ‘The Role of the EU in Peace, Stability and Prosperity in Ireland and Europe’ 

When: 6.307.30pm, Tuesday 27 October 2009

Where: Law Theatre, UNSW Kensington campus

The lecture is free but RSVP essential:

Media contact: Denise Knight, UNSW Media Office, 02 9385 8920 | 0405 207 685

Date issued: 16 October 2009

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