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RADIO GRABS: Alcohol 'Makes Us Happy'
Thursday, 23 October 2008: New research demonstrates a surprising link between peoples happiness
and alcohol consumption.
The latest Australian Unity Wellbeing Index shows people who drink everyday are the happiest,
whereas non-drinkers have a lower sense of wellbeing.
Original (Full) Media Release available via
Telephone Grab Hotline: 1300 732 445, Menu ², Option 7 (AUN-2097)
Spokesperson: Amanda Hagan, Australian Unity (Group Executive, Healthcare)
#1 (14 Seconds):
Says the research highlights some potential challenges in the fight against binge
#2 (17 Seconds):
Says the research also shows a disturbing link between excess alcohol consumption
and the happiness of young adults...
#3 (12 Seconds):
Says the research was not all bad news with happiness also linked to physical
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