Radio Grabs: Father's Day Mobile Activity

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5th September 2008, 07:07am - Views: 1176

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RADIO GRABS: Father's Day Mobile Activity 

Friday, 5 September 2008: Telstra is expecting new records to be broken as Aussie families send

Father's Day wishes via their mobile phone this weekend.

Original (Full) Media Release available via



Telephone Grab Hotline: 1300 732 445, Menu 2, Option 8 (TLS-2018)

Spokesperson: Telstra Executive Director, Jenny Young

#1 (16 Seconds):

Says figures reveal Aussies actually make more calls on Father’s Day compared to

Mother’s Day...

#2 (20 Seconds): Says as well as voice calls, Aussies are more likely to send a text or video message to

their dad than on Mother's Day...

#3 (18 Seconds): Says apart from a surge in voice calls, a big weekend in sport means Aussie dad's have

another reason to keep their mobile within reach...

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Peter Taylor - (02) 8293 8446 or 0439 031 996.

Grabs produced by Radio Release - (03) 9588 2399 

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