Radio Grabs: More Aussies Go Online For Medical Advice

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10th June 2009, 06:03am - Views: 1226

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Telstra media contact | Martin Barr | M: 0418 101 127

Reference: 149/2009

™ Trade mark of Telstra Corporation Limited

Aussies research health concerns online to avoid embarrassment 

Embargoed for release: 12:01 AM, Wednesday 10th June, 2009

June 10, 2009 More than 60 per cent of Australians head online to research information before

going to a doctor with forty per cent saying they did so to avoid feared embarrassment of talking to

a doctor. 

BigPond Health’s Virtual Medical Centre, Dr Joe Kosterich said it wasn’t surprising that amidst

health concerns like the Swine Flu that the public looked to the internet for more information. 

“It’s encouraging to see consumers taking an active interest in their health. It’s important that as a

community we’re informed, but if you’re concerned, seek advice from a doctor. 

“There’s information online that, once you have your diagnosis, can provide you with a deeper

understanding. If your doctor delivers news that’s devastating, shock can make it difficult to hear or

retain information, and it’s easy to feel dazed, confused and uninformed.

“The internet can provide information written by a range of doctors, including specialists from a

range of different areas including oncology, gastroenterology and cardiology,” Dr Kosterich said. 

BigPond Health is Australia’s leading online health information site. There are more than 22,000

pages across the site with expert information supplied by more than 1,000 medical specialists.

Dr Kosterich said there were a couple of things people could do if they wanted to check the

credibility of the health information contained on the website.



If you don’t know who wrote the information or produced the site, give it a miss – there’s no

way to confirm or deny its validity.


Be wary of sites that offer cures or appear to be geared to selling products. 


Look for sites, like BigPond Health, that provide comments from a range of qualified

medical doctors.

Justin Milne, Telstra’s Group Managing Director, Media, agreed.

“These days, faster network speeds and added convenience of being able to access the internet or

information on your Next G mobile, mean you can access information in more places. 

“The internet offers a great way to find further information - but no matter how embarrassed you

feel, if you have genuine reasons to be concerned, visit your GP,” Mr Milne said.

BigPond Health has 19 categories with current medical information featuring a range of issues

from prescription drugs to diseases and symptoms, treatment, medical trials, the latest research

and news as well as providing support online to patients.

To find out more, visit: 

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Telstra media contact | Martin Barr | M: 0418 101 127

Reference: 149/2009

™ Trade mark of Telstra Corporation Limited


The Research: 

This research was conducted online by Pure Profile on behalf of Telstra in May, 2009 on a

representative sample of 1,201 Australians, both male and female, from around the country - in both

metropolitan and regional areas.  

BigPond Health was founded eight years ago by Western Australian cancer specialist Dr Andrew

Dean, to deliver much needed cancer information to his patients. At times of stress, when people have

been devastated by a positive diagnosis of cancer or a life threatening disease, information retention is

at its poorest. The website was initially set up as a resource for patients to understand more about their

condition to allow them and their carers to better cope.

Virtual Medical Centre is now Australia’s Number 1 health information and education website, delivering

reliable, trustworthy information to health consumers and medical professionals on a wide variety of

health and lifestyle topics. Each month more than 500,000 visitors view around 5 million pages of

information that has been quality controlled by more than 1,000 Australian medical specialists. 

Dr Joe Kosterich is a general practitioner and health industry consultant to a number of industry and

government clients. His passion is wellness and keeping people healthy. Dr Kosterich is the medical

spokesperson for the BigPond Health centre, co founder and CEO of The Australasian Institute of Anti-

ageing Medicine (AIAM) and a cofounder of the Kosby Health Initiative. 

Dr Kosterich is previously held senior positions in the Australian Medical Association including

chairmanship of its Federal General practice council and has sat on numerous industry and government

boards. He has also had extensive corporate experience in the setting up and management of medical

centres and has been a writer for a number of medical and mainstream publications. He is the author of

the soon to be released book, Dr Joe’s DIY Health and is also on Twitter:


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