Radio Grabs: National Recycling Week Begins

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10th November 2008, 06:05am - Views: 3290

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RADIO GRABS: National Recycling Week Begins

Monday, 10 November 2008: Today marks the start of National Recycling Week.

New research shows ‘recycling’ is Australia’s most widely understood environmental term and is

considered the most practical way for the community to ‘do their bit'.

Original (Full) Media Release available via



Telephone Grab Hotline: 1300 732 445, Menu 1, Option 5 (VSY-2135)

Spokesperson: Tony Gray, Visy (Director of Sustainability)

#1A (11 Seconds): Says one person can make a difference and for every bottle, can and sheet of paper

recycled, we’re helping to fight global warming…

#2 (23 Seconds):

Says every single Australian can make a real difference by recycling even the most

basic items…

#3 (16 Seconds): Says the collective effort of all Australians is already making a big difference in the

fight against global warming...

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Media Enquiries & Interview Requests:

Tony Gray, Visy - 0418 530 378

Grabs produced by Radio Release - (03) 9588 2399 

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