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RADIO GRABS: Physical Inactivity Costs Australia $13.8 Billion
Friday, 31 October 2008: New research commissioned by Medibank Private shows physical inactivity is
costing the Australian economy almost $14 billion each year.
The study also estimates more than 16,000 Australians die prematurely each year from medical
conditions caused by a lack of exercise.
Original (Full) Media Release available via
Telephone Grab Hotline: 1300 732 445, Menu 1, Option 7 (MBP-2127)
Spokesperson: Craig Bosworth, Medibank Private (Industry Affairs Manager)
#1A (18 Seconds):
Says the findings are disturbing and demonstrate the importance of staying active...
#2 (17 Seconds):
Says apart from economic and social costs, the personal toll of inactivity can be devastating...
#3 (15 Seconds):
Says Australian workplaces also bear the cost of having inactive employees...
- Log into AAP MediaNet for grab downloads and full media release.
- Email distribution of grabs available, please contact
Media Enquiries & Interview Requests:
Sarah Chibnall, Medibank Private - 0423 76 26 76
Grabs produced by Radio Release - (03) 9588 2399