Radio Grabs: Who's Who In Australia

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11th December 2008, 06:07am - Views: 1224

People National Who's Who (Crown Content) 2 image

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RADIO GRABS: Who's Who in Australia

Thursday 11 December, 2008: Iron-ore billionaire Andrew ‘Twiggy’ Forrest and supermodel

Miranda Kerr are among 332 new inclusions to the 2009 edition of Who’s Who in Australia.

Containing more than 13,000 biographies,

Who’s Who in Australia is a time-honoured insight

into the lives of those who shape Australian society.

Media release available via


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Telephone Grab Hotline:

1300 732 445, Menu 1, Option 5 (WWA-2205) 

Spokesperson: Helen Christon, Who's Who (Crown Content)

#1 (21 Seconds):

Says the new additions to Who's Who have been recognised for their significant contribution to

Australian life...

#2 (19 Seconds):

Says the gender gap continues to close with even more women recognised in the latest edition

of Who's Who...

#3 (16 Seconds):

Says the latest version of Who's Who recognises some of Australia's greatest household


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Media Enquiries & Interview Requests:

Craig Little, Haystac - (03) 8689 2258 or 0450 696 503.

Grabs produced by Radio Release - (03) 9588 2399 

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