Abs: Aussies' Love Of Food Generates Big Dollars

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28th April 2008, 02:03pm - Views: 1166

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ABS: Aussies' Love Of Food Generates Big Dollars

Australia's cafes, restaurants and caterers generated $13.7 billion in income during

2006-07, according to figures released today by the Australian Bureau of Statistics


The main sources of income for the 15,423 cafes, restaurants and caterers were: 

Takings from meals consumed on the premises (47%) 

Takings from catering services (24.1%) 

Sale of liquor and other beverages (19.9%)

Cafes and restaurants:

Generated $9.7 billion in income. 

Employed 145,546 people (47.4% as casuals). Waiting staff was the largest

occupation (41.7%). 

Over two-thirds (67.5%) employed fewer than 10 people. These smaller

businesses accounted for 27.7% of total cafe and restaurant income. 

Larger cafe and restaurant businesses (those which employed more than 50

people) accounted for 1.5% of all cafe and restaurant businesses and generated

over one-fifth of total income (21.8% or $2,115.5m). 

Over half (56.8%) were licensed to sell alcohol. 

1.1 million seats were available for dining. 

Catering services:

Generated nearly $3.9 billion in income. 

Employed 50,268 people (58.5% as casuals). Waiting staff was the largest

occupation (27.2%). Kitchen hands accounted for 23.3% and chefs and cooks


Over half (57.8%) employed fewer than 10 people. These smaller businesses

accounted for 9.1% of total catering income. 

Larger catering businesses (those which employed 50 people or more)

accounted for over three-quarters (78%) of total catering income. 

Around the nation:

New South Wales accounted for 36.3% of all cafe, restaurant and catering

businesses in Australia, 30.4% of employment and generated just under a third

(32.2%) of total income. 

Victorian cafes, restaurants and catering businesses comprised just over a

quarter of all businesses (27.4%), 24.7% of income and over a quarter (26.7%)

of total employment. 

Queensland, ACT, Tasmania, South Australia, Western Australia and

Northern Territory collectively accounted for 36.7% of all cafe, restaurant and

catering businesses and 43% of income and total employment respectively.

Further details are in Cafes, Restaurants and Catering Services, Australia, 2006-07

(cat. no. 8655.0).

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