Marking 100 Years Of Australian Censuses: Abs

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19th November 2009, 02:18pm - Views: 1246

November 19, 2009


Marking 100 years of Australian Censuses: ABS

The Australian Statistician, Brian Pink, today welcomed the announcement made by the Prime Minister and

the Assistant Treasurer Sen. Nick Sherry that the next Australian Census of Population and Housing will be

held on Tuesday, 9 August, 2011. 

"This will mark 100 years of national Censuses in Australia," said Mr Pink, "the first national Census was

taken at midnight between 2 and 3 April, 1911.

"The Australian Bureau of Statistics has always relied on the participation of the Australian public to make

the Census a success. We want to continue that great tradition with the sixteenth national Census in 2011,"

said Mr Pink.

The Census of Population and Housing plays a foundational role in Australia's democracy. It is used as the

basis for the estimation of the population of Australia and each of the states and territories which are used to

determine the number of seats each state and territory has in the House of Representatives. The estimates

are also used to determine the share of annual GST funding for each of the states and territories.  

Data from the Census is also critical in developing government policy and in planning the delivery of services

and as a key input to a broad range of other public and private investment decisions. The Census provides a

snapshot of the social and cultural composition of Australian families and households.

The upcoming Census will build on the success of previous Censuses. "Like the last Census in 2006,

householders will have the option to complete their Census form safely and simply online via the eCensus"

said Mr Pink. The traditional paper Census form will still be available to householders.

Changing times, changing Census

In 1911

In 2011

7,300 Census collectors were employed.

Around 40,000 collection staff will be employed...

Collectors worked mainly on foot, but some

travelled by horseback or bicycle.

...still working mainly on foot, some by motor

vehicle - and even some by helicopter to remote

parts of Australia.

A collector was expected to cover the costs of

fodder for their horse.

Collectors will be paid motor vehicle fuel


The Census form asked whether we were

subjects of the British Empire.

The Census will collect a range of information

reflecting our multicultural heritage, including

language spoken at home, country of birth,

ancestry and Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander


Further information will be available at from 11.30am tomorrow, Friday, 20 November 2009.


Media requests and interviews

Corporate Communications 1300 175 070

When reporting ABS data, the Australian Bureau of Statistics (or ABS) must

be attributed as the source

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