9 February, 2010
Embargoed 11.30am Canberra Time
Value of agriculture production down 5%: ABS
Reduced prices for major crops and livestock products led to a 5% fall in the overall value of agricultural
production, according to preliminary figures released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) today.
Preliminary figures place the value of agriculture production for 2008-09 at $41.1 billion.
Increased production of many broadacre crops was more than offset by significant reductions in major crop
prices, resulting in overall crop values falling 7% to $22.1 billion.
Significant falls in the value of wool and milk saw the total value of livestock products down to $6.2 billion, a
drop of 16%.
The value of livestock slaughtered rose 5% to $12.8 billion with increases in the value of cattle and calves,
sheep and lambs, and poultry.
Key crop movements:
grain sorghum, down 44% to $550.1 million
hay, down 41% to $1.7 billion
grapes, down 33% to $1.1 billion
barley for grain, down 21% to $1.8 billion
wheat for grain, up 11% to $5.9 billion
Key livestock and livestock product movements:
sheep and lambs, up 15% to $2.5 billion
poultry, up 14% to $1.9 billion
cattle and calves, up 1% to $7.5 billion
wool, down 22% to $1.8 billion
milk, down 13% to $4.0 billion
Further details are in Value of Agricultural Commodities Produced, Australia, Preliminary (cat. no. 7501.0)
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Corporate Communications 1300 175 070
When reporting ABS data, the Australian Bureau of Statistics (or ABS) must be attributed as
the source