Australia Day Road Closures

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25th January 2010, 02:01pm - Views: 869

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25 January 2010


Sydneysiders attending Australia Day celebrations are encouraged to leave the

car at home and catch public transport, for the quickest and easiest trip into town


An RTA spokesperson said road closures and special event clearways would be in

place and public transport would be the best way of getting into and out of the city.

“Road closures and special event clearways will be in place in the Sydney CBD,

The Rocks, Circular Quay and Darling Harbour for Australia Day celebrations from

3am to 11pm Tuesday, 26 January 2010,” he said.

“Many northern CBD roads will also be closed or have special event clearways in

place from 3am on Tuesday so motorists are urged to avoid the city centre,” he


The RTA is advising road closures will be progressively rolled out on sections of

Alfred Street, College Street, Hunter Street, Macquarie Street, Prince Albert Road,

St James Road, Bent Street, Phillip Lane, Hickson Road, George Street and

Argyle Street.

There are also a number of clearways throughout the CBD and neighbouring


“Motorists are advised to check signs before parking as vehicles parked in special

event clearways will be towed and fines apply.”

“There will be increased pedestrian activity in the Circular Quay and Darling

Harbour areas on Australia Day and everyone is urged to take extra caution on the

roads,” he said.

To cater for increased water traffic on Australia Day the Spit Bridge will be open at

11pm on Tuesday, 26 January and 1am on Wednesday, 27 January 2010 in

addition to the normal opening times.

The RTA is also reminding motorists and motorcycle riders that double demerits

apply from Friday 22 January to Tuesday 26 January inclusive in a bid to help

reduce injuries and fatalities on NSW roads.

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“Police will be out on the roads targeting speeding, seatbelt and helmet offences,

with double demerit points in force this Australian Day weekend,” he said.

Patrons attending Australia Day celebrations are encouraged to catch public

transport. Visit or phone 131500 for timetable information.

For further information on road closures and special event clearways for this

Australia Day weekend visit or call the RTA’s

Traffic Information Line on 132 701.


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