Balmain Community Supports Sydney Ferries

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23rd October 2009, 09:00am - Views: 935


Some things are too important to sell


   23 October 2009

Cut backs and sell offs are not the answer

A community rally in Balmain will today highlight the questionable track record of

two private transport giants bidding to privatise Sydney Ferries.

Spearheaded by legendary community activist Jack Mundey, The Gotta Love

Sydney Ferries campaign will call on Balmain residents to support public

ownership of ferries and ask local MP Verity Firth to do the same.


"We know what happens when large companies get their hands on important

public assets. Prices rise, services drop and wages are slashed," Mr Mundey said.


"It's absolute lunacy to hand over a top notch service like Sydney Ferries to

companies like Transdev and Veolia, when our own public operation does such a

sterling job."



Guest speaker: Jack Mundey 

TODAY, Friday 23 October, from 8:00am

Darling Street Ferry Wharf, East Balmain

A Veolia subsidiary, Connex was recently dumped by the Victorian Government

for failing to provide quality rail services. During the first three months of 2009,

Connex cancelled 4,538 trains. The company was also fined $11.2 million by the

Victorian Government for poor performance.


The other company bidding to run Sydney Ferries is Transdev. 


One of Transdev’s joint ventures, Yarra Trams, recently lost the contract to supply

tram services for the Victorian Government. It was also fined $1.84 million for poor



Maritime Union Assistant Secretary Paul Garrett said it was hard to see the benefit

of a sell off.


"The test of any privatisation is whether it improves services to the public, and in

this case that's a very high benchmark for either of these operators.


"Sydney Ferries has been through a reform process - safety has improved,

reliability is up and complaints have plummeted.


"Sydney deserves a first rate ferry service, some things are just too important to

sell," Mr Garrett said.


Contact: Paul Garrett (MUA) 0418 422 589

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