Big End Of Town Gets Behind Cycling

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13th October 2010, 09:00am - Views: 1262
Big End of Ttown Gets Behind Cycling

Some of Australia's largest corporations are supporting Sydney's cycling boom by providing employees with endof-trip facilities, Lord Mayor Clover Moore MP said today on National Ride to Work Day.

The commitment to provide sustainable transport options from the big end of town complements the City of Sydney's own efforts to reduce congestion and keep our city moving.

"The big end of town has recognised that riding a bike is a legitimate transport choice for employees which promotes a healthy workforce, increases productivity and reduces sick leave," Ms Moore said.

Westpac's General Manager Corporate Affairs and Sustainability David Bell, said Westpac provides a supportive work environment for its employees to pursue personal passions such as cycling.

"Many of our staff regularly cycle to work, which helps keep them fit and focused. Providing good end of trip facilities for our employees is just one way we can help build sustainability into our everyday business practices."
Telstra Country Wide Executive Managing Director Brett Riley said Ride to Work Day was a great initiative.

"There are many benefits associated with riding to work, from staying healthy to reducing your carbon footprint and saving money on car travel or public transport.

"Already over 560 Telstra people have registered to participate in this year's Ride to Work Day and I'm encouraging more people to get involved," he said.

Lord Mayor Clover Moore MP thanked the corporations who have already got on their bikes and said the recently announced City Plan had extra floor space incentives for new commercial and office development in the City Centre which include end of trip facilities such as showers, lockers and bike parking.

"Riding to work is becoming a whole lot easier and I'm delighted that such large institutions such as Westpac, Google, ING Australia, Telstra and Macquarie Bank are offering showers, lockers and bike parking for their staff," Ms Moore said.

"We all need to do our bit to ease the congestion on our roads that threatens to bring our city to a halt if we don't take decisive action now. So hopefully more companies large and small - will incorporate end of trip facilities to encourage their staff to ride to work"

The Lord Mayor will today be joined by cycling commuters and City of Sydney Cycling Ambassadors Ian Roberts and Nell Schofield at a free breakfast in Hyde Park South to mark National Ride to Work Day.

Bike riders will be greeted with free coffee, bike checks, bananas and cycling information from 7am 9am. A smaller event will be held at Union Square, Pyrmont.

Across the nation 150,000 people are expected to mark the occasion by riding to the office.

"Riding a bike to work is gaining in popularity and we expect to see more people taking it up as our network progresses and more separated cycleways are built," Ms Moore said

"Bike riding is easier than many people think. For trips of less than 10 km, riding a bike will often get you to work cheaper and faster and will keep you healthy. Better still it's a zero emission transport option."

"Our cycling confidence courses are booked out every weekend, and it is pleasing to say that many of the participants are women."

Ride to Work Day Vision/Photo opps

Vision opportunity 1:

Ride to Work Day Breakfast with Lord Mayor, Ian Roberts, Nell Schofield and bike riders. Entertainment and stalls, Hyde Park South. Official proceedings start at 8.15am.

Vision opportunity 2:

Westpac - 276 Kent Street building end of trip facilities. Contact Jane Counsel 8253 3443 or 0416 275 273.

Vision opportunity 3:

Bridge to Bridge cycleway route newly opened separated cycleway on Kent Street which connects the Sydney Harbour Bridge to the Anzac Bridge, linking the north shore and inner west to the CBD.

Media Contacts:
Maya Catsanis 02 9265 9553, 0409 045425.

For interviews with the Lord Mayor call Cie'Jai Leggett on 9265 9752 or
[email protected]

SOURCE: City of Sydney

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