Bridge To Bridge - Sydney Gets Its First Complete Cycleway Route

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13th October 2010, 08:00am - Views: 1194

Bridge to Bridge - Sydney Gets its First Complete Cycleway Route

Bike riders coming form the Inner West or the North Shore to the CBD can now enjoy a safer journey with the opening of City of Sydney's first completed cycleway route.

Lord Mayor Clover Moore MP will officially launch the route connecting the Sydney Harbour Bridge and Anzac Bridge at the National Ride to Work Day breakfast in Hyde Park today.

The Bridge to Bridge route is 2.6km long, and is mostly separated cycleway, separating bikes from the traffic.
"Connectivity is the key to supporting safe, convenient cycling. The community told us they wanted a good bike network and I am excited to declare the first part of it open."

"Already, well over 1100 riders are using the Union Street route in the morning and evening travel times, and these numbers will only grow," Ms Moore said.

Sydney communities consulted for Sustainable Sydney 2030 said they wanted safe cycling routes that could be used to get into and around the city. Since then, further independent research, carried out in June, identified that 84 per cent of Sydney residents regard a bike network as important.

The Bridge to Bridge route involved ongoing consultation with local businesses and residents and City staff are on the ground talking to bike riders and pedestrians to ensure that everyone understands how to safely use the new bike route.

"A number of bike corridors are now being improved in the city and the Bridge to Bridge route is one of many interconnected bicycle routes which will form part of a 200km network that will help keep Sydney moving and ease congestion on our roads," Ms Moore said.

A cycleway on the southern section of College Street will also opened this week, which will eventually link to King Street as a safe and convenient route into the city from the east as well as connecting with the Bridge to Bridge route.

Ms Moore said: "Bike riding is a smart and sustainable transport option for short inner Sydney trips, which is why the numbers of bike riders in Sydney is increasing rapidly.

"We all want to live in a city that is easy to get around, and has clean air as well as safe and lively streets. To achieve this we need to reduce rising traffic and pollution levels and give Sydneysiders more transport options."

The Lord Mayor will today be joined by cycling commuters and City of Sydney Cycling Ambassadors Ian Roberts and Nell Schofield at a free breakfast in Hyde Park South to mark National Ride to Work Day. Bike riders will be greeted with refreshments, free bike checks and cycling information from 7am 9am. A smaller event will be held at Union Square, Pyrmont.

Across the nation 150,000 people are expected to ride to work today.

Media Contacts:
Maya Catsanis 02 9265 9553, 0409 045425.

For interviews with the Lord Mayor call
Cie'Jai Leggett on 9265 9752 or
[email protected]

SOURCE: City of Sydney

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