Cityrail Customer Survey 2009

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28th September 2009, 10:50am - Views: 1006
Cityrail Customer Survey 2009

Train punctuality, the frequency of delays and cancellations, staff effectiveness dealing with security problems and communication with passengers have all improved in the perception of CityRail train users, an Independent Transport Safety and Reliability Regulator (ITSRR) survey has found.

The survey is the sixth undertaken annually by ITSRR to measure changes over time in the quality of CityRail services from a customer perspective. The survey asks randomly selected train users to rate various aspect of service and also asks about their train travel experience in the six months before they are interviewed.

Of the 37 aspects of service rated in both the 2008 and 2009 surveys, the percentage of satisfied train users remained stable for 25 aspects of service and increased in 2009 for the remaining 12.

There were similar improvements in the percentage of dissatisfied train users with only one aspect of service deteriorating over the past year. The percentage of train users dissatisfied with staff visibility on platforms in the daytime outside peak commuter times increased from 18% in 2008 to 21% in 2009.

While there was a 4 percentage point increase in the proportion of train users satisfied with crowding on trains in peak hours, this aspect of service remains the main concern for train users, with only 39% of train users satisfied.

Improvements in meeting customer expectations from 2008 to 2009 were recorded for:

* politeness and friendliness of station staff (up from 84% to 88%)
* knowledge and helpfulness of staff (up from 85% to 89%)
* crowding in trains at peak commuter times (up from 35% to 39%)
* staff effectiveness dealing with security problems (up from 68% to 74%)
* punctuality of trains (up from 73% to 79%)
* delays and cancellations (up from 66% to 72%)
* station information on arrival and departure times (up from 84% to 88%)
* quality of information about delays/cancellations (up from 74% to 78%)
* timeliness of delay/cancellation announcements (up from 72% to 77%)
* clarity of announcements on the platform (up from 69% to 73%)
* clarity of announcements on the train (up from 57% to 62%)
* CityRail complaints service (up from 60% to 66%).

Train users' reported experience of train travel was consistent with their perceptions of improved performance there were decreases in their reported frequency of experiencing delays, crowding and skipped stops.

ITSRR Chief Executive, Len Neist, said the 2009 survey findings reflect CityRail's good operational performance during the period.

"The survey was undertaken at a time when train users were experiencing very good operational performance with on-time running consistently above the 92% target," he said.

"We conduct these surveys to inform CityRail and the Government about the services that are important to customers and how they rate their satisfaction so decisions can be made on how to improve services to train users."

The 2009 survey involved random telephone interviews conducted between June and July 2009 with 2,760 train users from suburban Sydney and regional areas covered by CityRail train services such as the Central Coast, Blue Mountains, Wollongong and the Southern Highlands.

The full report of the Survey of CityRail Customers 2009 is available on ITSRR's website at

MEDIA CONTACT: Susan Everingham 02 8263 7161

SOURCE: Independent Transport Safety & Reliability Regulator (ITSRR)

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