Clarence River Crossing

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21st December 2009, 07:43pm - Views: 772

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21 December 2009



A study looking at the impact of building a second bridge at Grafton has been completed

with consultation set to continue.

An RTA spokesperson said the traffic study suggests the best location for a new bridge is

in the vicinity of the existing bridge. 

“While the study has indicated the bridge should be located near the existing structure, no

decision will be made without community consultation,” the spokesperson said.

“The RTA’s traffic study also identified the need for adequate connections between a new

bridge and the existing road network.

“As a result, the RTA will develop options for road connections to a new bridge.  

“Following community consultation an announcement of a preferred option is expected by

the end of 2010.

“This is an important milestone which will give the community an opportunity to have a say.

“Early next year the RTA will be inviting the community to become involved in the

development of the options.

“Community information sessions and other consultations will be held to identify the best

location for a new bridge and approaches to achieve the best outcome for the whole of the

community,” the spokesperson said.

Residents and businesses of the Clarence Valley area are encouraged to become

involved in this next phase of the planning process. 

Further information, including a copy of the traffic study, is available on the RTA’s website: 


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