Community Feedback Sought At Information Day

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15th February 2010, 06:45pm - Views: 825

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15 February 2010



THE RTA is reminding the local community there will be a community information day for

Tempe residents this Saturday to provide feedback on the proposal to expand the M5.

An RTA spokesperson said the proposal to expand the M5 is important for the future

transport needs of Sydney and community feedback is essential.

“The NSW Government proposes to expand the 32 kilometre M5 corridor at some point in

the future. This proposal involves about a quarter of the Sydney Orbital network, currently

used by around 95,000 vehicles per day,” the spokesperson said.

“The RTA is holding a community information day on Tempe Reserve behind the Newtown

Jets Sports Club on Saturday 20 February 2010 between 10am to 2pm.

“We welcome community involvement. Come and meet members of the project team,

discuss the proposal to expand the M5 corridor and find out how they can get involved in

the development and consideration of the project during the next 18 months,” the

spokesperson said.

Short presentations by RTA staff will be at 11am, 12pm and 1pm. A sausage sizzle will be


“The RTA will meet with residents, the airport and other stakeholders to examine the

issues and identify all possible options,” the spokesperson said.

“The residents of Tempe and neighbouring suburbs can be assured the RTA will work with

them to generate options for access to the Port and industrial areas and reach a

transparent conclusion on the option that has the least impact. 

RTA encourages submissions.

The NSW Minister for Transport and Roads David Campbell announced in November

2009 the start of consultation into the proposal to expand the 32km M5 corridor, which is

the main road freight, commercial and passenger route between the Sydney Airport and

south west Sydney. 


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