Contra-flow Exercise This Weekend

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21st November 2009, 12:00pm - Views: 935

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21 November 2009


The RTA is reminding motorists of a contra-flow training exercise this Sunday on the

F3 freeway between the Mt White Heavy Vehicle Checking Station and the Calga

Interchange between 6.30am and 10am.

The aim of the exercise is to train RTA and NSW police to implement a contra-flow

plan to divert traffic around major crash scenes and other incidents involving full road


This exercise gives the RTA and NSW Police the opportunity to test the crossover

points and the new traffic management plan.

Northbound motorists will be diverted onto the Pacific Highway while the contra-flow

is being set up. Once the contra-flow is operating, northbound motorists will travel on

one northbound lane. 

Southbound motorists will be directed from the southbound lanes to two northbound

lanes for three and a half kilometres and then return to the southbound carriageway.

Traffic cones will be placed along the entire length of the contra flow between F3

northbound lanes one and two to safely separate the opposing flows of traffic.

The speed limit for both directions will be 40kmh to allow the contra-flow to be

introduced safely.

This will be strictly enforced.

Motorists are asked to drive with care, follow the directions of traffic controllers and

electronic signs, observe reduced speed limits and allow for extra travel time Sunday


This exercise comes after an exercise carried out last October on a different section

of the freeway.


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