Correi Bridge Closures Ta

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16th December 2009, 01:31pm - Views: 928

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16 DECEMBER 2009



The RTA and its contractors will be carrying out a series of evening bridge closures

on Cooreei Bridge over the Williams River for essential maintenance and

improvement work.


“Cooreei Bridge will be closed so re-decking and girder work can be done on the

bridge,” the RTA spokesperson said. 

“The work will take place at night from Monday, 18 January, 2010, until Friday, 22

January, 2010, inclusive.  

“The bridge will be closed from 6pm each night and will be re-opened about 1am the

following morning.

“This is the second stage of the re-decking work and is part of a maintenance

program to improve Cooreei Bridge and ensure its ongoing operation. 

“There was a closure in November 2009 and there will be a final closure in mid-2010

to complete the re-decking work. More information will be provided to the community

before the final stage of work begins in mid-2010.

“Motorists are advised that detours will be available via Alison Road or Fosterton

Road. These detours will be signposted and motorists should obey all directions and

signposting. The RTA appreciates the co-operation of motorists while this essential

work is done.

“The RTA is conscious of the effect this work may have on surrounding residents and

every effort will be made to minimise noise,” the spokesperson said.

For information about traffic conditions, motorists should contact the RTA’s Traffic

Information Line on 132 701.



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