Drivers Reminded To Avoid Sydney Harbour Bridge On Sunday

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8th October 2010, 07:15pm - Views: 1201

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8 OCTOBER 2010



The RTA is advising drivers to avoid the Sydney Harbour Bridge this Sunday.

The Sydney Harbour Bridge will be closed between 1am and 1pm on Sunday 10

October for the Breakfast on the Bridge event, part of the Crave Sydney festival.

Drivers of overheight vehicles and vehicles carrying dangerous goods are reminded

the Anzac and Gladesville bridges are alternative harbour crossings.

Motorists using the Sydney Harbour Tunnel are advised to expect significant delays

on Sunday and should use alternative harbour crossings if possible or delay travel

until after 1pm.

Roads closures include:

Sydney Harbour Bridge

Saturday 9 October 11pm to Sunday 10 October 1pm

High Street on-ramp - between - High Street and Sydney Harbour

Bridge (southbound)

Sydney Harbour Bridge Lane 6, 7 and 8 (southbound)

Sydney Harbour Bridge

Sunday 10 October - 1am to 1pm

Bradfield Highway 

Cahill Expressway - between - Domain Tunnel and Sydney Harbour Bridge 

Clarence Street on-ramps - between - Clarence Street and Sydney Harbour

Bridge (northbound)

Blackwattle Place Darling Harbour 

Conservatorium Road Off/On-ramps - between - Conservatorium Road and

Cahill Expressway 

Falcon Street on-ramp - between - Falcon Street and Warringah

Freeway (southbound)

Grosvenor Street on-ramp - between - Grosvenor Street and Sydney Harbour

Bridge (northbound)

*Harbour Street - between - Goulburn Street and Bathurst Street (northbound)

Kent Street on-ramp - between - Kent Street to Sydney Harbour

Bridge (northbound)

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Miller Street on-ramp - between - Miller Street and Warringah

Freeway (southbound)

Mount Street on-ramps - between - Mount Street and Sydney Harbour Bridge /

Cahill Expressway (southbound)

*Pier Street on-ramp - between - Darling Drive and Harbour Street (eastbound)

Western Distributor  - between - King Street off-ramp and Sydney Harbour


Western Distributor  - between - Harbour Street and Sydney Harbour

Bridge (northbound)

Wheat Road - between - Harbour Street and Shelley Street (northbound)

York Street off-ramp  - between - Sydney Harbour Bridge and York

Street (southbound)

*Contingency Closure

North Sydney

Sunday 10 October - 5am to 1pm

Walker Street - between - Berry Street and Mount Street (southbound)

Walker Street - between - Mount Street and Pacific Highway

The Rocks / Millers Point

Sunday 10 October - 8am to 9.30am

Argyle Street - between - Harrington Street and Lower Fort Street 

Upper Fort Street - between - Watson Road Street and Observatory Park 

Watson Road - between - Upper Fort Street and Argyle Street 

or phone the Traffic Information line on 132 701.


RTA Media Unit   8588 5999

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