Essential Maintenance Work Continues On Rossi Bridge

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5th February 2010, 07:08pm - Views: 816

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        5 February 2010



Essential maintenance work on Rossi Bridge will continue as part of the $2.3 million

upgrade of the bridge.

An RTA spokesperson

said the work will improve safety and driving conditions for


“This bridge is an important route for the local community and every effort is being made to

minimise the impact of the work on motorists and pedestrians.

“This essential maintenance work will repair and preserve the bridge.

“Rossi Bridge is a local icon

and has been around for around

110 years. It was built in

1899 and is part of the local history with stone piers and rare three truss spans,” the

spokesperson said.

Motorists are advised that essential maintenance work will continue on the bridge over the

Wollondilly River from Monday 8 February until Friday, 19 February 2010, weather


The bridge will be closed to motorists and pedestrians from Monday to Friday between

9.00am and 3.00pm.

The bridge will be open outside of these times however a 15 tonne

load limit will apply.

Further work will be carried out on the bridge from Monday 22 March to Friday 14 May and

the bridge will be closed to motorists and pedestrians at all times.

A detour is available via Chainman’s Lane and Fitzroy Street over the Marsden Bridge for

vehicles travelling to and from Mount Baw Baw Road and Range Road.

Signs will be in place to notify motorists of the closure and the detour. Be roadwork aware,

slow down and take care, roadwork speed limits are enforceable. 

For more information contact the RTA’s Transport Management Centre on 132 701 or visit

The RTA appreciates the patience of motorists

while this essential work is carried out.


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