Euroncap Crash Test Experts Visit Australia

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24th March 2009, 03:40pm - Views: 1102

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25 March 2009

EuroNCAP Crash Test Experts Visit Australia

Australia’s leading vehicle safety advocate, the Australasian New Car Assessment Program

(ANCAP) will this week host colleagues from its European equivalent to look at further

opportunities to exchange vehicle safety information and to improve the provision of crash

ratings for Australian car buyers.

Officers from the European New Car Assessment Program (EuroNCAP) will attend

workshops and crash tests in Australia and Korea over the next fortnight to look at

assessment methods and discuss closer working relationships.

ANCAP Chair, Lauchlan McIntosh, said the visit will:

assist development of common vehicle safety testing protocols;

look at the crash testing regimes of NCAPs in Europe, Australia, Korea and Japan;

discuss promotion of star safety ratings to new car buyers; and

strengthen the 10-year Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between ANCAP and

EuroNCAP in testing new vehicles and publicising their results.

“The MoU has meant that ANCAP has been able to use crash test data from Europe to

publish local ratings – this has effectively doubled the number of models that ANCAP is able

to rate and publicise each year,” Mr McIntosh said.

“All groups will use this opportunity to assess relevant test protocols with Korean NCAP and

Japan NCAP, as many of the vehicle models that are sold in Australia and New Zealand are

similar or identical to those sold in their home countries.

“This visit will allow an exchange of information and development of closer working relations

between the various crash test bodies in Europe, Australia, Korea and Japan, in the

interests of new car buyers and the automotive industry worldwide.  

“ANCAP is excited about this visit and sees it as an opportunity to strengthen the provision

and publication of consistent information on vehicle safety to consumers in a range of

different countries and markets.”



The EuroNCAP staff will this week attend crash tests at the NSW RTA’s Crashlab in Sydney

and Autoliv Australia in Melbourne, to view and discuss preparation and execution of the

tests and assessment and evaluation of the test results.

EuroNCAP recently reviewed and updated its rating protocols to better reflect vehicle safety

features now found in many European vehicles.

“ANCAP and EuroNCAP officers will also attend a crash test at KATRI – the Korean

Government’s test facility next week, and meet with Korean NCAP and Japan NCAP

officers to discuss their crash testing protocols and methodology,” Mr McIntosh added.

“This will allow officers to look at developing consistent testing procedures, ratings and

provision of important safety information to new car buyers – in short good news for


ANCAP is supported by all Australian and New Zealand motoring clubs, all Australian state

governments, the New Zealand government, the Victorian Transport Accident Commission,

NRMA Insurance and the FIA Foundation.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *


Lauchlan McIntosh


0418 424 886

Allan Yates


0421 150 229

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