Explaining The Increase In Numbers Of Pre-pay Service Stations

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4th July 2008, 02:29pm - Views: 1248

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For immediate use

July 4, 2008

Explaining the increase in numbers of pre-pay service stations.

Motorists may now be noticing a recent increase in the number of pre-pay service

stations, when they are purchasing fuel.

Some may think this ‘pay up-front’ system is inconvenient or offensive, but there is a

valid reason for it. 

“Unfortunately, as a direct result of the rapid rise in fuel prices, there has been

increasing incidence of drive-off theft from service stations, where customers leave

the premises without paying for the fuel they pump into their vehicles. 

“This is stealing and motorists should be warned they will get caught if they do it,”

VACC Executive Director, David Purchase, said. 

“In the VACC’s view, pre-paying for fuel is the most effective method of preventing

drive-off theft.  

“The rapid rise in petrol prices does not mean service station owners and operators,

particularly independent operators, are making huge profits. 

“In fact, many independent service stations run on the barest of thin margins on the

fuel they sell. 

“Many independent owners and operators do not have access to fairly-priced

wholesale fuel supplies. The big oil companies and their supermarket partners have

near total vertical control of the market and are squeezing out the independent


“Independent service station owners are struggling under the domination of the oil

majors, and many have closed. The loss of independents from the industry has

meant that the days of competitive discounts may have gone.

“It was the independents who drove prices down.

“So anyone who drives off without paying is often hurting a fellow Aussie who is also

battling to survive in these challenging economic times. So, we ask for a bit of

understanding and forbearance by motorists for the slight inconvenience of pre-

paying at the pump,” Mr Purchase said.


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