Funding For Pacific Highway Upgrade Very Welcome

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17th November 2009, 03:46pm - Views: 858

Tuesday 17 November 2009: NRMA Motoring & Services has welcomed the announcement of $57.6 million for the planning and preconstruction work for the upgrade to the Pacific Highway between Frederickton and Eungai.

NRMA President Wendy Machin said the NRMA had been concerned about the lack of funding in the Australian Government's May's budget for this important transport route and supported today's announcement that preconstruction work would start early next year.

"I wrote to the Prime Minister earlier this year for a solid funding commitment to see this section completed and am pleased that the Australian and NSW Governments are taking seriously the urgent need to address this dangerous stretch on the Pacific Highway," Ms Machin said.

"The NRMA has been lobbying hard for the upgrade between Kempsey and Eungai to become reality, particularly the dangerous section at Clybucca where 35 people lost their lives in a horrific bus crash 20 years ago."

The funding announcement comes two weeks after NRMA released a report card on the Pacific Highway which found only 50% of the road had been upgraded.

"Now the NSW and Australian Governments have publicly confirmed funding for the Frederickton to Eungai upgrade we will be keeping a close eye on the project's progress to ensure this important work is not further delayed," Ms Machin said.

"With almost 10,000 vehicles using this section of the Pacific Highway every day this announcement is very welcome news."

Kimberly Rigby
0439 133 215

SOURCE: NRMA Motoring & Services

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