Gfk Asia Newest Report: Top 3 Passenger Car Engine Oil Brands Make Up More Than 60% Of Consumer Reta

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22nd October 2009, 05:23pm - Views: 959

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GfK Asia Newest Report: Top 3 Passenger Car Engine Oil Brands Make Up More Than 60% of

Consumer Retail Sales in Malaysia's Central Region

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct. 22 /PRNewswire-Asia-AsiaNet/ --

  GfK Malaysia first ever retail audit of passenger car engine oils in August

        09 reported close to 3,820,000 liters of car engine oil traded  

          at retail level, with sales worth more than RM 75 million

    GfK Asia releases the first ever retail measurement report of aftermarket passenger car engine oil within the

central region of Malaysia, covering the area of Kuala Lumpur and Selangor. According the initial monthly

results which began in August 2009, there are a total of around 2,500 shops retailing car engine oil which

consists of: Car Accessories retailers, Fast Fit retailers and Car Tyre Specialists in the region.  Fast Fit

Retailers make up the bulk of passenger car engine oil retail sales with over 70% of sales volume sold through

this core channel in the month of August. 

    According to Jennifer Chan, General Manager, GfK Malaysia, "These results clearly show consumers'

preference to "full service workshops" when changing their car engine oils."

    The organic engine oil segment in Malaysia's central region is by far the largest contributor to overall sales

during the month, contributing more than 60% of the total engine oil market.  The partly synthetic segment and

the premium full synthetic segment accounts for the balance of the total market.  GfK data identifies the most

popular pack size is the 4 liter pack, which accounts for over 80% of overall volume, the other popular pack

size is the 3 liter pack for smaller size engine vehicles. 

    "This new monthly data meets the industry's demand for more accurate measurement of this market and will

prove valuable to our clients who want to better monitor consumer retail decisions in Malaysia," added Ms.

Chan.  "While this is the first ever tracking study done on engine oil in Malaysia, it is in addition to our already

popular monthly retail Tyre data which provides accurate and reliable retail sell through information to base

marketing decisions upon in the region." 

    GfK Malaysia also plans to add car batteries and after-market automotive accessories to its automotive

retail data suite.

    About GfK Asia Pte Ltd

    GfK Asia Pte Ltd (GfK Asia), part of the global GfK Group, is a leading research company with over 20

years experience in providing reliable Asian retail and technology market data.  Our analysts track a broad

range of consumer technology markets, including: consumer electronics, telecommunications, IT, household

electrical appliances (large and small), optics, entertainment, automotive, gaming as well as digital imaging. 

GfK Asia covers more than 55 product groups and over 350,000 models, collecting monthly data from over

6,000 specialist / independent shops as well as over 170 organized retailers with approximately 15,000

outlets.  This disciplined methodology, together with tight field operational control in every country, allows GfK

Asia to produce high quality reports containing reliable information that our clients can use with confidence. 

Based in Singapore, with other offices in India and Japan, GfK Asia offers extensive coverage of the following

countries:  China, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Vietnam, and

    The GfK Group

    The GfK Group is the No. 4 market research organization worldwide.  Its activities cover the three business

sectors of Custom Research, Retail and Technology and Media.  In financial year 2008, the GfK Group

achieved sales of 1,220.4 million Euros.  The Group has 120 companies operating in more than 100 countries. 

Of a total of approximately 10,000 employees (as at December 31, 2008) more than 80% are based outside

Germany. For further information, visit our website:

    Editors Notes:

People Transport GfK Asia Pte Ltd 3 image

    GfK Malaysia also audits Passenger Car Tyres in the Central Region of Malaysia.

     Media Contact:                           

     Lisa Williamson

     Bryant Williamson Communications

     Tel:   +65-9100-4097 


     SOURCE: GfK Asia Pte Ltd

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