Government Mandate Of Esc Welcomed By Ancap

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23rd June 2009, 02:23pm - Views: 1151

People Transport Australasian New Car Assessment Program (ANCAP) 1 image


23 June 2009


Australia’s leading independent vehicle safety advocate, the Australasian New Car

Assessment Program (ANCAP), today congratulated the Federal Government on its

announcement that a leading edge safety technology, Electronic Stability Control (ESC) will

become standard on all new passenger vehicles.

ANCAP Chair, Lauchlan McIntosh, welcomed the announcement by the Minister for

Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government, Anthony Albanese,

mandating ESC in new cars, passenger vans and off-road vehicles from November 2011

and all models from November 2013.

“This is good news for Australian motorists and their families – it will cut crashes, save lives

and reduce the tremendous social and personal cost of road trauma,” Mr McIntosh said.

“ANCAP has championed the ESC cause for some time in motorists’ interests – indeed

since 2008 ANCAP’s crash testing program stipulates any new vehicle needs ESC to gain a

top 5-star rating.

“Research overseas and here in Australia at the Monash University Accident Research

Centre shows clearly that ESC does make a difference and can reduce some types of

crashes by some 25 per cent or more.

“Given road trauma costs Australia around $17 billion a year, the faster uptake of ESC will

obviously mean great savings for the Australian economy and the community.”

ANCAP is supported by all Australian and New Zealand motoring clubs, all Australian state

governments, the New Zealand government, the Victorian Transport Accident Commission,

NRMA Insurance and the FIA Foundation.  For a full list of ANCAP’s vehicle safety ratings,

including more commercial vehicles, and other vehicle safety information, go to

*   *   *   *   *   *   *


Lauchlan McIntosh


0418 424 886

Allan Yates


0421 150 229

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