Heavy Vehicle Rest Areas

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6th February 2010, 04:00pm - Views: 870

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An RTA spokesperson said work is progressing well on the NSW Government’s

rollout of new and upgraded heavy vehicle rest areas across NSW.

“The NSW and Federal governments have each provided $8 million for stage one of

construction of new and improved rest areas for truck drivers on major regional


“This money is allowing us to build six new rest areas and to upgrade a further 33

existing rest areas.

“We are also upgrading 11 of the informal road side parking areas with improved blue

reflector identification.

“These are all on the Newell Highway between Parkes and the Queensland border,”

the spokesperson said.

Five of these have already been completed at:

68 km north of Moree

14 km north of Gilgandra

38 km north of Gilgandra

12 km north of Gilgandra

84 km north of Gilgandra

“Of the six new heavy vehicle rest areas, three are being built on the Newell


“Work on one, 80 km north of Moree, has finished and will be open for trucks once its

use as a work depot for other nearby rest area projects finishes.

“The other two are between Narrabri and Coonabarabran.”

Work to upgrade existing rest areas at five locations on the Newell Highway is

progressing well and is expected to be finished soon:

69 km south of Narrandera

51 km south of Narrandera

81 km south of West Wyalong

34 km south of West Wyalong

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36 km north of West Wyalong

“The other 17 upgrades of existing heavy vehicle rest areas are on the Hume, Sturt,

Barrier and Great Western highways,” the spokesperson said.

“The RTA is also carrying out assessments of five bridges to monitor the condition of

these important assets with a view to opening up more of the road network to heavier

trucks without compromising safety.

“The RTA has also applied for a share of the next round of Federal rest area upgrade

funding and an announcement is expected shortly,” the spokesperson said.

“That application includes a new heavy vehicle rest area and a rest area upgrade on

the Newell Highway.” 

There are more than 1400 rest areas across NSW with more than 1000 suitable for

heavy vehicles. 


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