Inaugural Isa Conference With Road Safety Experts From Around The World

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9th November 2009, 07:28pm - Views: 823

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    9 NOVEMBER 2009




The inaugural Intelligent Speed Adaptation (ISA) Conference will bring together a host of

international specialists to talk about an innovative technology aimed at saving lives on

the roads.

The conference, organised by the RTA’s NSW Centre for Road Safety, will be held at the

Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre tomorrow, 10 November, and will focus on the

benefits of ISA technology and how it can help to change driver behaviour.

Dr Soames Job from the

RTA’s NSW Centre for Road Safety said the ISA trial, launched

earlier this year, had received widespread interest internationally and the conference

would give attendees a chance to explore early results of the NSW trial and international


“The ISA program is a $1 million trial with cutting-edge road safety technology installed in

private fleet vehicles.

It is the largest road safety technology trial conducted in Australia

by a government agency and involves over 100 light vehicles from private and business

fleets from the Illawarra region.

“It uses satellites and in-car technology to help motorists stay within the speed limit with

the help of speed zone maps developed by the RTA which are more accurate than those

currently available in–vehicle satellite navigation systems.

“The devices are similar to a GPS device and inform the driver of the legal speed limit and

warn drivers if they are travelling above the limit.

“The theme of the conference is ‘From Research to Reality’ and it is exciting to share the

experiences and outcomes of this innovative trial with road safety organisation overseas.

“In turn, we will also be able to learn about the latest ISA research and other driver

assistance technology from international road safety practitioners and industry

representatives from Europe and other parts of Australia,” Dr Job said.

The conference will precede the Australasian Road Safety Research, Policing and

Education Conference on 11-13 November.


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