Iron Cove

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15th October 2009, 06:17pm - Views: 920

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An RTA spokesperson said a maritime exclusion zone has been established on Iron

Cove in Sydney to ensure safety during construction of the new bridge for the Inner

West Busway project.

“This is the first bridge to be built on inner city waters in Sydney for 20 years.

“Anyone who goes boating on Iron Cove – including rowers and yachties – needs to

familiarise themselves with the new arrangements which will be in place for the next

12 to 18 months.

“The exclusion zone extends about 150 metres to the west and 50 metres to the east

of the existing Iron Cove Bridge.

“At least two navigable channels are being maintained for safe passage at all times

and flashing buoys mark these areas. Waterway users are reminded that the

navigable channels will change during construction depending on what work is being


“Everyone using Iron Cove is reminded of their responsibilities to navigate at safe

speeds and keep a proper lookout. A four knot speed limit applies to the areas next

to the exclusion zone,” the spokesperson said.

“The Inner West Busway is a $175 million State Government-funded project to

improve public transport services along Victoria Road by providing faster and more

reliable travel times through Drummoyne and Rozelle.

“The project is expected to be completed in early 2011,” the spokesperson said.

“Maritime users of the Iron Cove should register with the project at so they can receive regular SMS or email notifications

about changes to the exclusion zones.

“For more information visit the project website at or

call the project community relations team on 1300 780 841.”


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