Itsrr Releases Waterfall Report 19

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6th November 2009, 02:16pm - Views: 942

The Independent Transport Safety and Reliability Regulator (ITSRR) today released its nineteenth quarterly report on the implementation of the NSW Government's response to the Special Commission of Inquiry (SCOI) into the Waterfall Accident.

At the end of the reporting period (1 July to 30 September 2009), the number of
recommendations closed was 173 or 98% of all recommendations.

During the quarter, ITSRR closed one recommendation as an "acceptable
alternative response".

Recommendation 43 required standardised communications terminology, protocols
and procedures mandated through regulations.

While the Rail Industry Safety and Standards Board is developing a National Rule
Book which will include mandatory communications protocols, standardised
communications terminology, protocols and procedures are in place in NSW through
the RailCorp and ARTC Network Rules.

The Rail Safety (General) Regulation 2008 requires rail infrastructure owners to
consult before amending the Network Rules so any changes including
communications terminology, protocols and procedures will apply consistently
throughout NSW.

To ensure compliance with these rules, ITSRR targets this issue in its audit and
inspection program.

During the last quarter, progress was also made towards implementing three other
recommendations relating to data loggers (Recommendations 36 and 37) and
communications systems throughout the rail network (Recommendation 38).

At the end of the reporting period, the cumulative implementation progress to date for all 177 recommendations (including 127 recommendations and 50 sub-elements) was as follows:

* 173 (98%) recommendations are verified and closed
* 1 recommendation open acceptable response has an interim target date
(Recommendation 32)
* 2 recommendations referred to the NTC have new interim target dates
(Recommendations 36 & 37)
* 1 recommendation open acceptable response (Recommendation 38).

The Executive Summary and full quarterly report are available on ITSRR's
website at:

Scott Sloan
(02) 8263 7129

SOURCE: Independent Transport Safety & Reliability Regulator (ITSRR)

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