League Legend Visits Blacktown For The Rta Slow Down Road Show

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12th October 2010, 05:46pm - Views: 1412

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12 OCTOBER 2010



As part of the RSL Blacktown Farmers Market, NRL legend Hazem El Masri and the

RTA Slow Down Road Show will be visiting the fresh produce markets on Saturday

16 October. 

The Slow Down Road Show is part of the RTA’s ongoing safety program travelling

through Western Sydney to talk to the community about the importance of slowing

down on the roads. 

The road show will take visitors through interactive and educational activities to

demonstrate the importance of being responsible on the road. 

The stall will feature a graphic display of two cars crashed at 60km/h and 100km/h

that dramatically illustrate the dangers drivers face when they speed, as well as

educational videos, hands-on activities and games with Hazem and motivational


In the Blacktown area alone, there were 328 casualties from speed-related crashes

including eight fatalities from 2006 to 2008.

“This is why educating the community on road safety remains the RTA’s number one

priority,” an RTA spokesperson said.

An RTA spokesperson said speeding related crashes continue to be the biggest killer

on NSW roads – particularly among young drivers.  

Hazem, an RTA road safety ambassador will be signing autographs and posing for

photographs with fans after taking his own ‘Slow Down Pledge’ between 9am and


“I’ve taken the Slow Down Pledge and want to tell people there’s no such thing as

safe speeding. I’m a family man and care about the safety of my wife, children and

my community.

“I’d urge everyone to take the pledge not to speed. Speeding is dangerous and puts

the lives of everyone in the community at risk. Think about your friends, your family

and your neighbours before you decide to put your foot down and speed,” said


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To organise an interview with Hazem El Masri, please contact the RTA Media Unit on

(02) 8588 5999.


RTA Media Unit   8588 5999

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