Men Still Making More Accident Claims

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26th October 2009, 01:25pm - Views: 908
Men Still Making More Accident Claims

RACV Insurance's latest claims data shows that while the arguments continue as to which gender makes better drivers, men do make more motor insurance claims resulting from a collision.

In the last financial year male drivers accounted for 53 per cent of motor insurance claims lodged with RACV as well as recording a higher average cost to repair damage caused by a collision

RACV Insurance General Maager Paul Northey said the figures showed a general trend over the past seven years of males having higher laims numbers and average repair bills than females but it appeared that the gender gap was narrowing.

"In 2005, females reported 11 per cent fewer accidents than men, however this figure dropped to just 7 per cent in the past year," he said.

The gpa in cost of claims follows a similaar trend with the average vclaims cost for men of almost $4300 being eight per cent higher than for females in 2008-09, compared with 10 per cent higher in 2005.

Mr Northey said these figures were not surprising given that males accounted for more than two thirds of road fatalities in 2008.

RACV claims figures also show the under 21-year-old age group had the highest average claim cost of $5,740 followed closely by the 21-25 year-old age group at $5,350, a trend that is consistent over the past seven years. The group with the lowest average claim cost was the 60-plus age group.

Statistics showed young drivers were most at risk as soon as they get their lcence. In the first year of driving, the risk of crashing was three times higher than for an experienced driver.

"Drivers aged between 18 and 25 make up about 15 per cent of Vistoria's driving population but accountedfor nearly 30 per cent of fatalities and serious injuries," he said.

Media contact: Pauline Zahra
RACV Public Affairs
9790 2717
or 0410 080 746

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