Metro Pri Contract

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26th November 2009, 04:47pm - Views: 883
Bids for Tunnelling Contract Now Submitted

Media Release

26 November 2009

The three consortia bidding for the right to construct the tunnels and station caverns on Sydney Metro Stage 1 have submitted their tenders.

Tenders for the Permanent Route Infrastructure contract (PRI) have now closed, a Sydney Metro spokesperson said.

"The receipt of three tenders for this important contract marks another major milestone in the progress for Sydney Metro Stage 1, Rozelle to Central," said the spokesperson.

"Since the start of this project, every target date for planning and contracts has been met and we are getting closer to the start of construction.

"Sydney Metro Stage 1 will form the backbone of a future metro network, with Stage 2, Central to Westmead, at an advanced stage of planning.

"The PRI tenders for Stage 1 will now be stringently assessed, with the winning bid expected to be announced in the second quarter of next year.

"Following the award of the contract, we expect major construction work for Sydney Metro Stage 1 to start in mid 2010."

Three consortia made up of leading national and international companies were
shortlisted for PRI and have now submitted tenders.

They are (in no particular order):
* Line 1 - McConnell Dowell Corporation / Abigroup / Obayashi Corporation
* MetroPrimo - Leighton Contractors / S.E.L.I. Spa
* Thiess / John Holland JV - Thiess / John Holland JV.

Contact: Alec Brown on (02) 8238 3501 or 0427 067 314

SOURCE: Sydney Metro

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