Motorcycle Safety

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15th December 2009, 12:47pm - Views: 862

People Feature Australasian College Of Road Safety 1 image

People Feature Australasian College Of Road Safety 2 image

PO Box 198, MAWSON, ACT 2607 Ph: (02) 6290 2509  Fax: (02) 6290 0914  Email:


ABN: 12 841 412 581

Patron: Her Excellency Ms Quentin Bryce AC

Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia


The newly published ACRS journal looks at the increasingly popular form of transport:

motorcycles and scooters. They offer convenient and cheap solutions to traffic

congestion, parking pressure and are an environmentally sustainable alternative to cars.

The number registered in Australia increases by 7% each year, more than double the

increase in the number of passenger vehicles (3%).

As the number of registered motorcycles increases, so does the number of casualties.

Although they represent less than 4% of all registered vehicles, motorcycles now

account for some 15% of road crash deaths and 20% of injuries. While at a national

level the crash rate per registered motorcycle has decreased, there are substantial

differences in crash rates between different Australian States and Territories.

ACRS Executive member Liz de Rome was guest editor for the journal.   Contributions

covering various aspects of motorcycle safety including black spot programs, road safety

barriers and protective clothing, and an analysis of motorcycle safety programs in

Australia are included in the journal.

ACRS President Lauchlan McIntosh said, “As is the case in other areas of road safety,

there is still more that can and should be done.  Targeted approaches based on proven

strategies are needed to address the needs of this increasingly important section of road

users to reduce unnecessary death and injury which is so costly to our society both in

personal and in economic terms”.

Contact Lauchlan McIntosh, AM

President ACRS

Mobile: 0418 424 886

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