Mt Vic To Lithgow 1

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23rd October 2009, 01:49pm - Views: 892

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23 OCTOBER 2009


An RTA spokesperson said the Australian and NSW governments have announced

the route options for the upgrade of the Great Western Highway between Mt Victoria

and Lithgow.

“The route options have been developed in the ’orange’ corridor which generally

follows the existing Great Western Highway.

“There are alternative routes included at Mount Victoria, Little Hartley, River Lett Hill

and Forty Bends.

“There are three route options which would provide a bypass of the main village of

Mount Victoria. They include viaducts and/or a tunnel along routes generally to the

north of the village and north of the existing highway.

“The tunnel options would go under Mount York Road.

“At Little Hartley, the route options include a possible realignment of the highway

which would avoid impact on the heritage listed Harp of Erin.”

The spokesperson said the route options for bypassing River Lett Hill include a new

crossing of River Lett and new sections of road which would eliminate the bends on

this part of the highway.

“The proposed routes at Forty Bends include realignments to provide a straighter

highway without the bends and rises and dips.

“These route options would improve the safety of this section of the Great Western


The spokesperson said the community now has an opportunity to study the route

options in detail and provide feedback.

“The display of the route options can be viewed at Blue Mountains, Lithgow and

Oberon councils; the Lithgow and Katoomba libraries and the Lithgow Motor


The RTA will hold three information meetings, as follows:

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Saturday 31 October 2pm to 4pm, Mount Victoria Public School

Wednesday 4 November noon to 2pm, Hartley school building, Hartley

Wednesday 4 November 6.30pm to 8.30pm, Hartley school building, Hartley

The spokesperson said there will also be an opportunity for the community and key

stakeholders to nominate themselves to take part in a value management workshop

on 25 and 26 November 2009.

“An independent facilitator will conduct this workshop to discuss the route options

and develop a shared understanding of which option provides the best balance

across social, environmental, economic and engineering issues,” the spokesperson


“Another meeting will be held at Hartley school building on 30 November from 6.30 to

8pm to report back on the value management workshop.

“When a preferred route option is selected, a recommendation will be made to the

NSW Minister for Transport and that preferred route will then be displayed for further

comment and refinement.

“The NSW Government has no plans to allow B-Double trucks more than 19 metres

long to use the Great Western Highway across the Blue Mountains.”

To speak to a member of the project team call 1800 035 733 toll free.



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