Mt Vic To Lithgow

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27th November 2009, 02:52pm - Views: 936

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27 November 2009


An RTA spokesperson said community participants and local stakeholders have met

with the RTA and technical advisers this week in the latest step towards selecting the

route for the upgrade of the Great Western Highway between Mt Victoria and


In August, then Minister for Roads Michael Daley announced that route options were

only being developed in the “orange” corridor which generally follows the existing

Great Western Highway.

”A two day value management workshop was held at Lithgow on Wednesday 25 and

Thursday 26 November to assess the various options against a range of criteria and

to identify areas for further investigation within the “orange” corridor.

“The RTA will now consider the feedback and complete more investigations focusing

on economic, environmental, engineering, community and other issues.

“It is important to note that the workshop’s outcome is not a final decision on the

preferred route. The workshop is one of several inputs in identifying the preferred


The workshop recommended: 

The long tunnel option to bypass the main village of Mt Victoria and Victoria Pass

The bypass to the south of Little Hartley (the Harp of Erin/Ambermere bypass) 

The southern alignment at River Lett Hill 

Upgrade the existing alignment at Forty Bends

“The workshop participants also asked the RTA to investigate modifications and

improvements to the recommended route options.

“These further investigations, along with community feedback, technical reports and

field investigations, comments from government agencies and the results of the value

management workshop will now be considered in identifying the preferred route.

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“A recommendation on the preferred route will be made to the NSW Minister for

Transport and that preferred route will then be displayed for further comment and


“An announcement on the preferred route is expected by Easter 2010. The RTA will

continue to keep the community informed and involved as the planning for the Mount

Victoria to Lithgow upgrade progresses,” the spokesperson said.

“The NSW Government has no plans to allow B-Double trucks longer than 19 metres

to use the Great Western Highway across the Blue Mountains.”


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