New Technology To Reduce Transport Emissions And Minimise Exposure To Ets

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4th August 2008, 05:36pm - Views: 1314
New Technology to Reduce Transport Emissions and Minimise Exposure to ETS

Minorplanet's new engine management monitoring system will empower Australia's logistics, freight and transport companies to accurately measure and regulate their carbon emissions and develop solutions to minimise fuel burn and exposure to the Government's emissions trading scheme (ETS).

The Transport sector is the second fastest growing source of Australian greenhouse gas emissions accounting for approximately 14 per cent of Australia's total emissions with road transport accounting for ninety percent of that total.

The Australian Government's position is clear; transport will be a covered sector in any ETS model. This will ultimately inflate costs associated with the transport, freight and logistics industries.

Commenting on the release of the Total Environment Centre's paper, Freight and Climate Change: Exposures and Opportunities, Philip Bennett, Executive Chairman of Minorplanet Asia Pacific said, "Minorplanet's engine management technology is not just a breakthrough for improving road management and driver safety but also for helping operators and companies navigate through the maze of the impending emissions trading scheme".

"The full impact of the Australian Government's proposed ETS is unknown. However, by industry acting ahead of the curve by implementing eco-efficient technologies to cut emissions now, will reduce the impact on their bottom line when the ETS comes into full effect in 2 years time," Mr Bennett said.

"The transport sector is heavily exposed to the impending ETS which will significantly increase overheads for the sector and will have a multiplier effect which will ultimately be passed on the consumer.

Minorplanet's technology will also significantly reduce compliance risk for the impending ETS by providing accurate data, rather than the imprecise calculations which are dominating the current debate," Mr Bennett said.

"This technology will help companies calculate exactly what their fleet emissions are as well as devising routes that are most the fuel efficient thus minimising their overall environmental impact and maximising their profitability," Mr Bennett said.

Minorplanet is the leading supplier of vehicle management information (VMI) systems which enable organisations to maximise productivity and reduce fleet running costs. Minorplanet is working towards getting its IAP accreditation for this engine management monitoring system.

Since 1996, Minorplanet has been at the forefr ont of developing telematics systems. We have combined vehicle tracking by Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) and the latest mobile communications with other technologies and have made significant investment towards producing a single unit which will fulfill a broad range of regulatory, business management and environmental needs as well as offering an independent and secure service provider.

SOURCE: Minorplanet


Trent Mumford
0412 115 400


Vivienne Horsfall
420 319 950

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