Pacific Highway Road Safety And Traffic Improvements

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9th November 2009, 06:02pm - Views: 893

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      9 NOVEMBER 2009



The RTA will start work

this month

to improve safety at three locations along the Pacific


An RTA spokesperson

said about $8.5 million will be spent during the 2009/10


2010/11 financial years on projects at Broadwater Tip corner, around Goulds Lane and

the Clybucca Roadhouse, and Shark Creek. 

“These locations, on the existing two-lane highway, have been identified as having poor

crash histories and poor alignment,” the spokesperson said.  

This work is part of the State

and Federal

governments’ $3.6 billion commitment


five years to mid 2014 to continue upgrading the Pacific Highway, as part of the Nation

Building Program and the Building Australia Fund.

“While most of this funding will be directed to upgrading the highway to dual carriageway,

there is a need to address road safety and traffic issues on sections of two-lane highway

that are not scheduled to be upgraded to dual carriageway in the next five years.


the five year period, a range of minor projects will be built

to improve sections of

existing two lane highway and intersections with poor crash history,”

the spokesperson


The three projects that will start soon are:

Improving the highway at the Broadwater Tip corner which is about one kilometre

south of Broadwater. This work will smooth the bend

and extend an existing

overtaking lane.

Improvements to existing accesses in and around Goulds Lane and the Clybucca

Roadhouse, north of Kempsey. The work

will focus on improvements for turning

vehicles and allowance for heavy vehicles to more easily re-enter the highway.

Rebuilding an 850 metre section of highway at Shark Creek by widening the road

and shoulders and softening the bend. This is the final stage of work that has been

done to improve the safety of the road between Byrons Lane and Shark Creek.

Work is expected to start on the first of the projects, the Broadwater Tip corner, in early

November 2009.

People Feature RTA 4 image

Other projects are in the early stage of development, and more information will be

provided closer to the time. These projects are:

Intersection improvements at Martells Road to the south of Urunga.

Curve realignment at Blackadder Creek near Corindi.

Improved access at Swan Creek just north of Grafton.

Improved flood immunity just to the south of the Harwood Bridge near Maclean.


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