16 October 2009
The Heart Foundation is urging the Queensland Government to reconsider its pricing increase for the
public transport system in South East Queensland.
Two important targets set for the Governments Towards Q2: Tomorrows Queensland are to reduce both
obesity and carbon emissions by one third by 2020. Keeping public transport affordable is a key strategy to
achieving these targets.
With continued population growth, the South East Queensland Integrated Regional Transport Plan
acknowledges that increasing the proportion of trips made by public transport, walking and cycling is a
major strategy to reduce congestion on our roads.
The Heart Foundation has congratulated the Queensland Government on its major funding injection into
public transport infrastructure in South East Queensland and would like to see greater efforts to increase
usage and to get people out of their cars and walking.
Heart Foundation CEO Cameron Prout said Significant price increases are a real disincentive to
encouraging greater public transport usage. The Heart Foundation would like to see a comprehensive
range of measures introduced to increase patronage, such as affordable and equitable pricing, more
funding for the TravelSmart program, and more regular and coordinated services.
Another important consideration is to help remove barriers to people using public transport. We know
there are price sensitivities that will reduce car usage, such as petrol prices, congestions taxes, and car
registration. We certainly dont want price sensitivities to reduce or inhibit public transport patronage, Mr
Prout said.
Professor Chris Rissel, keynote speaker on active transport at the National Physical Activity Conference
currently being held in Brisbane, says that public transport is a key area for both obesity prevention and
climate change.
Research clearly shows that those people who are physically active for 30 minutes or more a day are less
likely to suffer from conditions such as heart disease. People using public transport usually include some
walking at one or both ends of the trip, adding to the health benefits, said Professor Rissel.
People from lower socio-economic areas should also not be disadvantaged. The South East Queensland
Integrated Regional Transport Plan highlights that social justice is a key consideration, ensuring that the
costs and benefits are shared equitably across the region.
These price rises are well above CPI, with paper tickets increasing by up to 40%. Urban sprawl means
that people from lower socio-economic areas need to travel further distances. These people will be hit the
hardest and may opt to use their car instead. The healthy and green choice, has to be the easy choice,
said Mr Prout.
For more information or to arrange an interview with Cameron Prout or Professor Chris Rissel, please Jill Sims
Media and Communications Manager Mob: 0421 911 116
About the Heart Foundation
The Heart Foundation saves lives and improves health through funding world-class cardiovascular research,
guidelines for health professionals, informing the public and assisting people with cardiovascular disease. As a
charity, the Heart Foundation relies on donations and gifts in Wills to continue its lifesaving research, education and