Results Released From The First Isa Trial In Australia

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10th November 2009, 06:56pm - Views: 897

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10 NOVEMBER 2009



Early results of the $1 million NSW Intelligent Speed Adaptation (ISA) trial were released

today at the inaugural ISA Conference in Sydney. 

The trial, launched in June 2008, received widespread interest internationally. The

conference today gave attendees a chance to explore early results of the NSW trial which

is due to finish mid 2010.  

Dr Soames Job from the RTA NSW Centre for Road Safety said on average 194 people

died in speed related crashes every year on NSW roads.  

“The ISA is being trialled to see if we can reduce speed related crashes in Australia.

“The NSW trial is the largest of its type in Australia involving more than

100 volunteer

private business and non-business drivers in the Illawarra

region. Participants include

repeat speed offenders and young drivers.

“The early indications from the trial show that drivers with ISA devices are more aware of

the speed limit and are speeding less than they were before the device was installed.  

“The technology so far has been well received and drivers taking part in the trial are

starting to notice the benefits. 


“The time drivers spent travelling five kilometres or more above the speed limit has almost

halved during the short time the device has been installed.

“An ISA device knows the speed limit with

the use of GPS satellite technology and a

speed zone map, and advises the driver if they exceed the legal speed limit.

“The device uses an audio warning and a visual

display to alert the driver and also

advises of the recommended speed of coming signposted curves.

“The Illawarra region was chosen for the trial because of its wide variety of road

environments, speed zones and diversity of businesses and residents.

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“Around 2500 kilometres of road was

mapped in the Illawarra region which included 932

speed zones, 4000 speed signs and 452 curve advisory signs.

“Each vehicle had a data recorder installed a month before the ISA device, and it will be

removed some months after the ISA device is removed.  

“The data recorder records GPS location and speed information every 10 seconds while

driving and enables us to understand their speed behaviour, before, during and after the

ISA device.

“More than


million speed location records have been collected so far

to use when

developing new and innovative analysis techniques.

“An extensive amount of research was carried out before the trial became a reality and

using more than 100 cars is something that has not been carried out in Australia before.  

“We will continue to monitor the trial and this may become the benchmark for delivery of

ISA devices,” Dr Job said.


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